As Announced with Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18963 that notepad now become store updatable. What that mean is now notepad app is available in the Microsoft store as Windows Notepad. This makes the app easier to update and to download also.

“Starting with this build, we’re making a change so that future Notepad updates will be automatically available via the store. This will allow us the flexibility to respond to issues and feedback outside the bounds of Windows releases. “

As described in Windows official blog

For me, it means that Microsoft wants to bring changes into its notepad software and currently focusing on it. So, I decided to request some features and upvote some features for notepad.

Create a modern/UWP Notepad app

This is the first feature that I want in the notepad a modern UWP UI. So, I give a Upvote to it. You can also contribute by using this link Upvote Feature. This link will only open on windows 10 as it will open in Feedback hub app.

Autosave feature for Notepad

Link to Upvote

Syntax Highlighting with different colors

Link to Upvote

Multiple opened files in tabbed view

Link to Upvote

For now, these are enough. These features will make notepad a little closer to everyone's favorite Notepad++ editor.

Don’t forget to upvote these features and If you have more suggestions and more features to recommend for notepad mention them in the comments.